Leaders must stay in touch with their front line workers
We see it all too often where executive management is not in touch with their front line workers. They seem to be in denial about what...

How to know if you are coachable
Are you ready for Coaching? Whether you strongly agree (5) or strongly disagree (1) with the following statements will determine how...

Does the White House need a feedback culture?
In an open work environment with a boss that is open-minded and listens when people voice their opinions there are no surprises...

The cost of turnover...Do the math!
On The Job Training Consider the best ways to close the skills gap. Let's look at what kind of #onthejobtraining we are offering...

How do I change a bad employee?
Most managers are good at managing the program, the system, or the day to day challenges. They are problem solvers extraordinaire, until...

Why Customers Leave...
A lesson in customer service. Over two weeks ago I had a bad experience with my financial institution. I had a bill, in my electronic...

Training does NOT change behavior
I don’t know how many times I have repeated this phrase to managers but it doesn’t seem to sink in. The first thing they want to do when...

Fragrance Policies and the ADA... how one employer earned a free training!
Our submission contest for a free training last month brought all sorts of tough scenarios. We chose this unique one from all our...

Why do managers avoid confrontation?
It’s rampant in workplaces, but why? Is it that hard to confront a subordinate on a behavioral issue (or a performance issue)? Is it so...

Why not terminate the jerk?
Okay, you are frustrated. You have tried everything from giving them an ultimatum to sending them to training of how to be nicer. Nothing...